Inclusivity, Diversity & Equity

Inclusivity, Diversity, and Equity

Jesus calls us repeatedly to love each and every diverse and wonderful facet of God’s image in creation. He might phrase it in different ways, “love your neighbor as yourself,” (Matthew 22:37-39) “what you have done to the least of these you have done to me,” (Matthew 25:31-45), and “which of these was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers…,”(Luke 10:29b – 37) among so many others, but each is a call to show love to those who are different than us and especially to those who experience hardship as a result of that difference.

He said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’”

Matthew 22:37-39

Ways to Get Involved

  • Inclusivity, Diversity, and Equity Team Consult

    The IDE Team offers consults with congregations as a way to determine their current status in regard to Inclusivity, Diversity, and Equity. These consults don't provide a score or value judgment but an assessment and some suggestions for moving one step further. Often the conversations that arise during these consults open further conversations around these topics and can provide an opening for discussion in potentially traumatic history around inclusion.

  • Anti-Oppression Training

    Produced in conjunction with Pastor Carla Christopher of the Lower Susquehanna Synod, the Southwestern Texas Synod offers a one-day training in Anti-Oppression. This training offers some basic vocabulary and more specific cultural vocabulary, a look into the history of how we got to the ways of oppression that we are currently in, and works to build skills for allyship and understanding of restorative justice practices. This training is typically offered in a 9 am to 3 pm block with a conversational lunch over zoom. There is periodically cost-free training offered by the synod and any congregation, conference, or group can request the training, virtually or in person, at cost. Pricing is currently under construction.

  • Form a Team or Task Force in Your Congregation

    Is there a group of people in your congregation that are interested in Inclusivity, Diversity, and Equity? Several congregations in our synod have teams or task forces centered around diversity, inclusion, or racial justice. These teams can be a great way to explore growing your congregation's growth and learning in these areas as well as making clear that there are people committed to this work in the congregation.

  • Reparations for African American/Negro Spirituals

    Throughout the pandemic we came to realize how important is to have the right streaming licenses for streaming music during worship, meaning that the composers and lyricists of our music would get their appropriate royalties for our use. We also came to realize that because Negro Spirituals were developed in a time where there was not adequate (or really any) recognition of their original composers and lyricists that those incredible musicians and writers would never receive the royalities for their work, nor would their descendants. As a way to right the wrongs of the past in the best way possible, congregations around the country and across denominations have begun donating "royalities" for the use of Negro Spirituals to organizations which work for the betterment of Black and African American communities in the United States.

    You can learn more about this practice here.

To learn more about these and other ways that you or your congregation might be involved in the inclusivity, diversity, and equity efforts of our synod, the denomination, and the world at large, please contact Pastor Keats Miles-Wallace.


Online & In-Person Training Opportunities

Trainings are currently available upon request and will soon be made available via video recording for a nominal fee. Please email IDE Coordinator, Pastor Katy Miles-Wallace for more information.

  • Anti-Oppression (day-long)
  • Bystander Intervention
  • Care of Creation from Indigenous Perspectives
  • Deliberative Dialogue
  • Immigration 101
  • Implicit Bias
  • What Are Reparations?

Recognition Months

  • Black History Month - February
  • Women's History Month - March
  • Arab American Heritage Month - April
  • Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month - May
  • Caribbean American Heritage Month - June
  • National Immigrant Heritage Month - June
  • LGBTQIA+ Pride Month - June
  • Disability Pride Month - July
  • Latine/Hispanic Heritage Month - September 15 - October 15
  • Filipino American History Month - October
  • LGBTQIA+ History Month - October
  • Native American History Month - November

Holidays & Commemorations

Not seeing what you're looking for?

We try to make sure there's something for everyone but there are plenty of things that we miss. If there's something particular that you're looking for or there is a resource that you feel should be shared on this page, please feel free to reach out to IDE Coordinator - Rev. Keats Miles-Wallace.

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