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Southwestern Texas Synod's vision is to become a network of spirit-empowered communities of disciples called and sent to live out the radically inclusive gospel of Jesus through the promises of baptism. We invite leaders to be transformed in their lifelong learning. We offer access to excellent formation materials and lifelong learning opportunities through various courses.
As lifelong learners, we learn we are on a road to being transformed in our way of thinking, being, and doing just like Saul was transformed on the road to Damascus. Saul listened to the voice of God, was led by Ananias, and got up and was baptized. We are in a community to learn, love, and lead.
Damascus is for all ages, levels of expertise, and learning styles. Participants may choose to engage online or in person (workshops, webinars, and conversation groups).
Whether you’re discerning a call to rostered ministry, stepping into lay leadership in the church or community, or ready to be transformed as a leader, Damascus: Lifelong Learning is for you.
Cultural Context
Ministerial Leadership